The Cloudcast

Bringing DevOps to the Database with Automation

Aaron Delp & Brian Gracely

SHOW: 428

DESCRIPTION: Aaron and Brian talk with Robert Reeves (@robertreeves, Co-Founder / CTO of @Datical) about how to bring agility to databases to match the speed of cloud-native applications.




  • Datical Homepage
  • Liquibase Homepage - leading open-source tool for database schema change management.

Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Before we get into a broader discussion, tell us a little bit about your background. 

Topic 2 - We talk about DevOps a lot on this show. And we talk a lot about various types of databases. But for some reason, we very rarely talk about them together. Why is that? It’s not as if the world of cloud-native applications are all stateless. 

Topic 3 - What do you see as the most common challenges that companies have with bringing databases into this world of more frequent software changes (DevOps, Agile, etc.)? 

Topic 4 - You’re involved in an open-source project called “LIquibase”, which is focused on database schema change management. How does that help database move into a more automated world? 

Topic 5 - Do you find that a lack of automation around databases is a bigger challenge from a continuous deployment perspective, or a security/patching perspective? (or both)

Topic 6 - People are very fearful of databases going down, which restricts them from making changes. How do you suggest companies getting more comfortable in making frequent changes to databases?


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