The Cloudcast
The Cloudcast (@cloudcastpod) is the industry's #1 Cloud Computing podcast, and the place where Cloud meets AI. Co-hosts Aaron Delp (@aarondelp) & Brian Gracely (@bgracely) speak with technology and business leaders that are shaping the future of business. Topics will include Cloud Computing | AI | AGI | ChatGPT | Open Source | AWS | Azure | GCP | Platform Engineering | DevOps | Big Data | ML | Security | Kubernetes | AppDev | SaaS | PaaS .
The Cloudcast
Blockchain beyond the Database
SHOW: 411
DESCRIPTION: Brian talks with Brian Platz (@bplatz, CEO/Co-Founder at @Flureee) about blockchain use-cases outside of cryptocurrencies, immutable data, graph databases, and building APIs on data.
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- Microsoft acquires JClarity
- AWS forbids partners from mentioning multi-cloud
- Does the VMware buying Pivotal announcement happen this week or during VMworld?
- Fluree Homepage - Business Application Platform
- Brian Platz on Hackernoon [podcast]
Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Before we jump into Fluree and the breadth of technologies that power the stack, let’s talk about your background and what drove you to create Fluree.
Topic 2 - Let’s start with the problems - why does the industry need a new data management stack? What types of use-cases or data-management problems does the Fluree stack address?
Topic 3 - Let’s talk about the Fluree stack, because it brings together several technologies (e.g. Blockchain, GraphQL, etc.) that have gotten a lot of hype, but people aren’t always sure how they should be used.
Topic 4 - When we step back and look at the Fluree stack, we see a focus around distributed architectures, immutability, graph data richness. Much of this sounds like it aligns to aspects of what is known as the Semantic Web. Are there connections there?
Topic 5 - Let’s talk about your philosophy about API management and exposing data at the data-layer instead of the app-layer. What are the pros and cons of this sort of trade-off, and what are some of the things either data or app teams need to consider with this approach?
- Email: show at thecloudcast dot net
- Twitter: @thecloudcastnet and @ServerlessCast