The Cloudcast

How Big is your Public Cloud bill?

Aaron Delp & Brian Gracely

SHOW: 399

DESCRIPTION: Aaron and Brian continue the "Four for Four Hundred" shows, with a focus on following the money in cloud computing. Then Brian talks with Corey Quinn (@QuinnyPig, Cloud Economist @ Duckbill Group) about the economic realities of being all-in on the public cloud.




Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show. You’ve become a multi-media star since your last appeared (newsletter, podcasting, stand-up comedy, co-hosting theCUBE, live blogger, etc.). 

Topic 2 - In case you haven’t noticed, revenues in the public cloud have grown quite a bit in the last few years. And not a day goes by without some web company announcing their monthly AWS spend. Walk us through the world of an organization that is a reasonably heavy spender in the public cloud. Are there steak dinners and rounds of golf still involved? 

Topic 3 - We hear about long-term contracts being negotiated with public cloud providers. How do these negotiations go, and where are customer’s leverage points?

Topic 4 - What are the typical stages of Cloud Adoption and Cloud Grief? 

  • Excitement - bypass IT, everything seems cheap
  • Curiosity - so many new services to explore and use
  • Confusion - so many services, they don’t all fit on the dashboard, where are the neglected services running?
  • Fear - the bills come in and they are more than we expected

Topic 5 - Do you find that legacy IT is actually brought along on the journey to large-scale public cloud usage? If so, what is the transition process for people/groups used to CAPEX and Hardware and ELAs and Data Centers? 


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